Table of Contents |
In order to navigate to the Board’s Admin Page, click on the "Settings" button in the top right corner of the release board or select “Settings“ from the actions list on the “Release Boards“ Page.
By Board Column Status (Default)
Blue - Unreleased
Green - Released
By Progress
Green >90% are Done
Yellow >20% are Done
Orange >5% are Done or “in progress” !=0
Grey - 0% done
Custom (see below)
Grey by default
with option to select custom color coding for individual Fix Versions
Board Column Status (Default)
Blue - Unreleased
Green - Released
By Epic Status
Status Category (Todo, In Progress, Done )
By Progress
Green >90% are Done
Yellow >20% are Done
Orange >5% are Done or “in progress” !=0
Grey - 0% done
Custom (see below)
Grey by default
with option to select custom color coding for individual Epics
Board Column Status(Default)
Blue - Unreleased
Green - Released
Sprint Status
Grey - Not Started
Blue - In Progress
Green - Done
By Progress
Green >90% are Done
Yellow >20% are Done
Orange >5% are Done or “in progress” !=0
Grey - 0% done
Custom (see below)
Grey by default
with option to select custom color coding for individual Epics
Board Column Status (Default)
Blue - Unreleased
Green - Released
By Progress
Green >90% are Done
Yellow >20% are Done
Orange >5% are Done or “in progress” !=0
Grey - 0% done
Custom (see below)
Grey by default
with option to select custom color coding for individual Epics
Board Column Status(Default)
Grey - Todo
Yellow - In Progress
Green - Done
By Progress
Green >90% are Done
Yellow >20% are Done
Orange >5% are Done or “in progress” !=0
Grey - 0% done
Custom (see below)
Grey by default
with option to select custom color coding for individual Epics
If you select Custom in any of the dropdowns all the release items of selected category (Fix Versions, Epics, Sprints, JQL versions) will be color by default in Grey. But this turns on the flexibility of coloring individual release items with the pallet you like (similar to Epics in Jira).
To do so click on release item to show details popup. Close to the name you will see a pallet with an option to pick up a custom color.
Manage package workflow
On the Package workflow screen the Board Administrator can:
Customize a package flow by adding or removing columns on the board.
Rename columns.
A new column is added at the bottom of the columns list.
Manage columns
It is possible to perform the following action with columns:
Update column name.
Delete column.
Change column order.
Column name may be changed by using in-place editing within the table. These changes will be saved automatically after finishing the update.
The column will be deleted by click on "Delete" button.
If a column contains at least one package it will not be possible to delete it. In order to delete the column, you will need to move all packages from the column before taking this action.
Manage transitions
You can restrict transition from one column to another by specifying two additional checks, namely:
Permissions. Outline only specific users and/or groups that are allowed to make the move.
E.g. only Compliance team can move packages from “Ready for Compliance Review“ to “Ready for Delivery“.
JQL based. Define a custom JQL that will be executed upon issues comprising the package and specify conditional clause from transition.
E.g. all Epics should be “Ready for Development“ before package moves to “Ready for Development“. Or there should be Zero bugs before package moves to “UAT“.
Auto-generation of Release Notes
You can also trigger automatic release notes generation for package upon move to specific column
To do so click “Manage“ for the column and turn on “Trigger Release Notes generation“. You would need to pick up one of the Release Notes templates for packages.
Package and Versions workflows sync
If you want to move all corresponding packages into specific column upon package move you can select this option in “Manage“ popup.
Versions workflow section
On the Versions workflow screen, the Administrator of the Board can:
Create/update/delete version workflow statuses (aka columns).
Change the mapping between columns and standard Jira version statuses.
A new column is added at the bottom of the columns list.
Manage columns
Columns represent statuses of release version workflow. The following actions are allowed upon Board Administrator permissions:
Update column (status) caption.
Update mapping to Jira standard status - Released/Unreleased.
Delete column.
Change column order (sequence of steps in the release process).
Change name, status or delete a column
Column name or mapping to Jira standard status could be changed using in-place editing in the table. The changes will be automatically saved after completing the update.
The column will be deleted by clicking on the "Delete" button.
In cases where the column contains at least one version, it will not be possible to change the column status or delete it. In order to delete or change the column, please move all versions from the column before implementing this action (Deletion).
It is not possible to change the column status or delete default columns, marked by icons: “blue” and “green” I-icons
Reorder columns
Re-ordering of Columns can be done using drag-and-drop.
Columns are equivalent of steps in your Release Management process, so by changing the order of the columns you automatically changes the sequence of the process steps.
Manage restrictions
You can restrict transition from one column to another by specifying two additional checks, namely:
Permissions. Outline only specific users and/or groups that are allowed to make the move.
E.g. only Compliance team can move version from “Ready for Compliance Review“ to “Ready for Delivery“.
JQL based. Define a custom JQL that will be executed upon issues comprising the version and specify conditional clause from transition.
E.g. all Epics should be “Ready for Development“ before version moves to “Ready for Development“. Or there should be Zero bugs before version moves to “UAT“.
Blackout Periods (Non-working Days)
In “Non-working Days“ section of Board Configuration you can setup backout periods.