Your Atlassian authorization token
Navigate to https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
Click Create API token
Copy your access token
Navigate to https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/
Put your email (the same you used to generate token) as username
and token as password to Generate Header
Copy Authorization Header generated. Should be “Basic ….“
Get back to Make.com and insert it into Atlassian Marketplace Access Properties
Almost there!
Your Segment writekey
Segment write key
Go to your Segment account and select you Source
Copy your Write Key
Go back to make.com and open Segment Access Properties and paste it there
You are there!
Making it work
You did all the work to start pulling your data from Atlassian Marketplace and pushing it to journy.io. We suggest to start with 1-2 test Licences/Accounts before upload in bulk and making it business as usual.
Test account
blah blah
All active accounts
blah blah
Make it business as usual