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Introduction to Limits

Once you visualized the flow it’s time to optimize it. The App has 2 solutions helping you fine tune the flow and identify areas of improvements. They are the following:


Next sections outline both functionalities in all the details.

Work-in-Progress (WIP) limits

The App provides ultimate flexibility in configuring Work-in-Progress (WIP) limits, namely


Here you can watch a small video find out some details.


WIPs per columns, swimlanes and their intersections

To make it for Swimlanes click Swimlane “Edit“. In popup dialog you can specify Min and Max values as well as color code how you want to highlight swimlanes for exceeding the limits.


To do the same for columns click on Column “Edit”. The functionality is the same if you want WIP limits for entire column. But you can also make it more granular and define WIP limits per swimlanes in the column. For this click on “WIP by swimlane“ toggle.


WIPs per column groups

Once you have your group defined you can now assign a Combined WIP. Click “Edit“ icon of the group to select Min/Max and appropriate color coding.


  1. Group WIPs

  2. Column WIPs / with Swimlane WIPs

  3. Swimlane WIPs

Personal WIPs (Board level limits)

You can also configure individual WIPs for users. To do so click on “Personal WIP“ in the menu ribbon


To clear the filter click on it again or click on user avatar in assignee carousell.

Aging or Cycle Time limits

Comparing to WIP limits that are about issue count aging/cycle time limits are about the time issue sits in specific column/column group.

Show on the card?

To outline your Aging/Cycle time limits status on the card click on Settings > Card layout.


Once you get it set you will see dots on the card under user avatar:

  • Red if at least one red aging limit is exceeded

  • Yellowif at least one amber aging limit is exceeded (and no red limit exceeded)

  • Otherwise Green

Once you put mouse over it you will see all the detail.


Aging limits per column/swimlane

Click Edit for any column you want to change. Navigate to limits section.


If you want to do it per swimlane within column select appropriate toggle and select swimlanes you want to control.


Aging limits per column group/swimlane

The same level configuration could be done for column groups. Click Edit on any column group and navigate to limits section to do similar configurations you did for columns.

Board level Aging Limits

In addition to Aging/Cycle Time limits for columns/groups you can define board level limits - aka define aggregated limit of time you wan the tickets sit in selected columns.


Once you add it the counter close to Board Limits will increase to +1 or +2 appropriately.

Alerts on Return Counters

Managing aging/cycle time is good to understand how you can improve the throughput. To understand why cycle time is more than expected and/or check how efficient your flow is .. it’s recommended to manage returns to the columns (or ping-pong between columns).

Show on the card?

To outline your Aging/Cycle time limits status on the card click on Settings > Card layout.


Turn on Returns to get a return counter on the right bottom corner of your card.

  • if it’s Zero it will be Greyed out

  • otherwise you see a number of Returns in Black

  • in case of alert (missing some of the limits) health indicator will outline all the limits exceeded (including both aging and returns)


Returns limits per column/swimlane

Click Edit for any column you want to change. Navigate to limits section.


If you want to do it per swimlane within column select appropriate toggle and select swimlanes you want to control.


Returns limits per column group/swimlane

The same level configuration could be done for column groups. Click Edit on any column group and navigate to limits section to do similar configurations you did for columns.

Board level Returns Limits

In addition to Returns limits for columns/groups you can define board level limits - aka define aggregated limit of # of times you allow the tickets to slide back to selected columns all together.


Once you add it the counter close to Board Limits will increase to +1 or +2 appropriately.

Tip: Learn how to boost your throughput with WIP, Aging and Returns limits! 🚀


💫 Flow Efficiency


Efficiency Calculation is a fundamental element of throughput optimization in Kanban and Lean in general.


In Advanced Kanban & Agile Boards we provide a native support for Efficiency Calculation by

  • Defining what columns are waiting, active and what are excluded from the calculation

  • Calculate Efficiency for each and every issue as

Efficiency, % = ActiveTime / (ActiveTime + WaitingTime)

Mark columns as Waiting, Aactive or Excluded

Click Edit for any column and scroll to Type


Select Active, Waiting or Excluded.

Show Efficiency Calculation on the Card

Go to Board Settings > Card Layout and toggle on


If configured Efficiency Calculation will be outlined on each issue card, as below


Efficiency Thresholds and Alerts


Coming soon

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