Zoho is a well-known frequently-used CRM among many companies across many industries. journy.io therefore decided to deeply integrate to offer full bi-directional CDP functionalities with enriched SaaS customer intelligence and trigger most important actions for both contacts and accounts, upon getting B2B product-led growth signals.
Your marketeers, sales engagement and customer success teams will be able to start automations, and get tasks on B2B SaaS conditions otherwise simply not possible in native Zoho .
How to connect Zoho
Go to your connections menu and click the [+] button. You'll see the Zoho connector listed.
Choose the Zoho account that you want to connect, after login.
Review the permissions and accept.
If you've accepted the permissions, you'll see that Zoho is now connected.
Zoho general settings
If you go to the 'Connections' menu and lick on 'Settings' on the Zoho panel, you'll see the general 'Connection' Tab
Here are the different settings:
Enable: Indicated whether Zoho can be used as source.
Name: Set/Edit a name for the connection
Zoho source settings
Zoho has no specific source settings. It is used to enrich existing records created by your platform and website. It does not create new users and accounts in journy.io when new Zoho objects are created.
Zoho destination settings
Using segments to limit which users and accounts will be created or updated in Zoho
When no segments are selected, journy.io will sync every user and account to Zoho. To sync only a subset of users or accounts to Zoho, you can select one or more segments that will act as a filter.
Creating or updating
By default journy.io will only update records in Zoho. You can allow journy.io to create contacts or companies in Zoho when they don't exist yet.
For contacts we'll use the email property to match with users in journy.io.
For companies you'll need to tell us in which field we can find your own account IDs (to uniquely identify accounts). An account ID should be a robust, static, unique identifier that you recognize an account by in your own systems. Ideally, the account ID should be a database ID.
Mapping fields
For contacts we'll map the following fields automatically:
journy.io email identifier => Zoho email property
journy.io first_name property => Zoho firstname property
journy.io last_name property => Zoho lastname property
journy.io phone property => Zoho phone property
For companies we'll map the following fields automatically:
journy.io domain identifier => Zoho domain property
journy.io name property => Zoho name property
So you'll only need to map the extra properties you want to sync to Zoho in the settings. You can map any journy.io property to any supported property in Zoho. We'll do our best to match the types of the properties. All of the scores you created in journy.io, computed properties, stage, health, ... are mappable to Zoho.
Zoho logs
At any time, you can check the bi-directional sync logs of your Zoho↔journy.io connection by selecting the 'log' submenu.
Tip: Need help with your Connectors?
Reach out to our support team
https://releasemanagement.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/14or book time to make it together