Custom Properties for Versions and Packages

We now support Custom Properties (aka Custom Fields in Jira) for your versions and packages.

How to define?

Go to Board Settings and select Properties section of configuration.

Type the name of you first custom property, select whether you want to apply it to Version or Package and pick up the Data Type you want to use. At this stage the following types are available:

  • String

  • Paragraph (so, you can create alternative Descriptions)

  • Number

  • Date

  • Datetime (so, you can create additional trackable dates to start/release date and milestones)

  • User (Jira users lookup)

  • Multi-user

  • Single Select

  • Multi Select

To complete your action click “Add“.

To remove it click on “x“ on the right. A confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm you want to remove the field from all the versions/packages.

How to view and edit?

Once you configured your customer properties for versions and packages you can now see/edit them on version/package summary page.

Defining the order

If you want to change the order of your properties outlined you can do it in configuration. Just drag and drop lines with properties to setup the order. The order for version and package properties are defined separately.

Multiple use-cases

Advanced filtering

On all the views (Board, Roadmap, Calendar and List) you can filter by custom properties defined.

To do so click “More” and select proerty you wanna add to filter.

Selected properties will be added to filering panel.

You can now specify the value/range of your custom property to filter out.

The clear the filters please use ”Reset filters” icon.

To remove specifc filter by properties please on “More“ again to un-check it.

Release notes

You can inject custom properties into Release Notes as any other standard release properties.

Web hooks

You can inject custom properties into Web Hooks as any other standard release properties.

You can also use JS-like string functions to your string properties to finetune values to be used in the hooks. More details here

Card layout

You can adjust card layout by including up to 3 custom properties to the card. This applies to both - versions and packages.

To do so click on Settings and scroll to Card layout.

Alternative descriptions

Paragraph properties (as alternative Descriptions) are shown under Description field in Release details and are also collapsed by default

Datetime properties on timeline

Once you define datetime properties and setup it for versions/packages it will be shown automatically on Timeline.

The use case is alternative trackable dates. Alternative to start/release dates and milestones (thata re also on a timeline).

As of now we show it only on Roadmap view. Calendar view will come shortly.