The Brevo Connector

The Brevo Connector



Brevo is widely used to send emails, sms and whatsapp messages to registered contacts. It features contact management for both companies and contacts, contact-based marketing email campaigns, and —separately— also allows for sending transactional emails to contacts through automations.

journy.io has a basic integration with Brevo, and offers journy.io → Brevo contact-only synchronisation. journy.io customers also get events on basic email operations (open, click, bounce, unsubscribe), and allows for adding/removing contacts to/from a list.

Finally, journy.io customers are able to start and exit automations on B2B SaaS conditions otherwise simply not possible in native Brevo.

How to connect Brevo

Go to your connections menu and click the [ + ] button. Click on Brevo, and you'll be welcomed with following screen:


You can give a specific name to your Brevo connection.

To get your API key, please go to Brevo, to your profile → 'SMTP & API' → API Tab → 'Generate a new API key'. After giving it a name, you'll see


Copy the key, and paste it back into journy.io. Upon pressing 'Ok' in journy.io, you will have created your Brevo connection.


Brevo general settings

If you go to the 'Connections' menu and click on 'Settings' on the Brevo panel, you'll get to the general 'Connection' Tab


Here are the different settings:

  • Name: Set/Edit a name for the connection.

  • Enable: If set, Brevo can be used. If not, it's disabled.

Brevo source settings

There are no specific source settings for this connector. You will see a summary of all contact-based events being generated on email operations:

  • Email opened

  • Email clicked

  • Email bounced (soft- or hard-bounced; metadata hard_bounced => false/true)

  • Contact Unsubscribed

  • Email marked as spam


Note that these events will have the metadata 'template_id' set to the ID of Brevo's template transactional email. As such, you can use these events and metadata to build very specific conditions, even to the level of template email...

A journy.io condition could look like:


Brevo destination settings

If you go to the destination submenu, you can setup and map sync settings.


Using segments to limit which users will be created or updated in Brevo

When no segments are selected, journy.io will sync every user to Brevo. To sync only a subset of users to Brevo, you can select one or more segments that will act as a filter.

Creating or updating

By default journy.io will only update records in Brevo. You can allow journy.io to create contacts in Brevo when they don't exist yet.

For contacts we'll use the email property to match with users in journy.io.

Mapping fields

For contacts we'll map the following fields automatically:

  • journy.io email identifier => Brevo email property

  • journy.io first_name property => Brevo firstname property

  • journy.io last_name property => Brevo lastname property

So you'll only need to map the extra properties you want to sync to Brevo in the settings. You can map any journy.io property to any supported property in Brevo. We'll do our best to match the types of the properties. All of the scores you created in journy.io, computed properties, stage, health, ... are mappable to Brevo.

Brevo logs

At any time, you can check the sync logs of your journy.io→Brevo connection by selecting the 'log' submenu.


Brevo actions

journy.io eventually allows to define product-led growth signals that trigger actions related to the installed connections. For each user meeting signal conditions, following Brevo actions could be triggered:

  • Add contact to a list: Adds a contact to a Brevo contact list.

  • Remove contact from a list: Removes a contact from a Brevo contact list.

  • Send event to Brevo: Sends a named event to a Brevo contact. Typically, these events will be used to start or stop drip automations in Brevo on that given contact.


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