Accounts frequently go dormant, especially when offering a free tier. In such instances, it becomes crucial to kickstart engagement and rekindle motivation among these inactive accounts.
Preliminary assumptions
The concept revolves around initially identifying accounts becoming inactive, marking them as inactive, to then starting engagement again when they become active again. In journy.io, the following steps should be taken:
In general, we also recommend you to check out general information about playbooks and entry/goal conditions. See Anatomy of a Playbook and Playbook entry and goal conditions: use cases
Anatomy of the re-activation playbook
We will be constructing a playbook designed to engage with promising trial accounts, addressing both converting and non-converting accounts. The final playbook will take on the following structure:
Entry Condition
The entry condition for this playbook, checking if an account has not been active for a while (e.g. 90 days), comes down to:
Checking if the account is in stage 'Free'.
Checking if the account property 'Last activity at' is before last given period of time. E.g. last 90 days.
Main actions: Tag user as inactive
Users that are getting inactive will be tagged so other playbooks can act on the inactivity state, set by a tag.
Tag user as inactive
Press the add action icon (+) and choose Slack action 'Send a message'.
You now can start defining actions when goal is reached (Inactive account is active again)
Goal-reached actions: Untag account and send its users an in-app 'Welcome Back' message in Intercom
The moment you PQA became a customer, Goal-reached actions will be triggered. You here mainly want to clean up and notify your peers about a new customer.
Untag account, clear 'INACTIVE' tag
Add an action called 'Remove tag'.
Select tag to remove, in our case 'INACTIVE'.
Start an in-app 'Welcome back' series in Intercom
Now the account becomes active again, you can start motivating its users by sending them a welcome back message. These are the different steps:
You can select 'All users' and simply type in the name of the event. In this case, 'Start_WelcomeBackSeries' is the name of the event.
Tip: Need help with your Playbooks?
Reach out to our support team
or book time to make it online