Anatomy of a Playbook

Anatomy of a Playbook



journy.io's Playbooks have been constructed with simplicity in mind. The basic structure of any playbook consists of 5 elements:

  • Entry Condition

  • Main Actions

  • Goal Conditions: optional

  • Actions when goal was reached: optional

  • Actions when goal was not reached: optional

Main actions are all being processed altogether when a user/account meets entry conditions. The playbook then waits until goal conditions are met, or optionally until a time-out, to then execute either goal-reached actions or goal-not-reached actions —again— altogether.


To set up a Playbook in journy.io, follow these steps:


You identify a playbook by its name, and indicates whether the playbook is active or not.

You can add playbooks to groups to indicate it belongs with other goal-alike playbooks. The result will be that you will get comparison graphs on entry and goal conversions between the different playbooks of the group.


Other identification settings include:

  • Group: Group of goal-alike playbooks you want to put your playbook in. The result will be that you will get comparison graphs on entrance and goal conversions between the different playbooks of a same group.

Entry conditions

The entry conditions let you define the conditions when the playbook will start for given audience.


There are two options here:

  • Accounts/Users can re-enter after x hours/days/months: Indicates whether an account/user can re-enter the playbook, and if set, after how many time. The minimum possible time is 1 hour.

  • Allow existing accounts/users to enter playbook: Indicates whether the playbook is only active for new users, or for all users (if set).



Playbook main actions

Actions can be defined on user/account level and depends on the apps you've connected. If intercom was added, only then will you see Intercom actions such as 'Tag a user' and 'send event to user'.


For most actions, journy.io will first force-sync the user/account to the action-related destination, before carrying out the action.

Goal conditions and Exit options

The moment you've set entry conditions, you'll see the goal block appear. Clicking on the goal block will allow you to:

  • Set goal conditions.

  • Exit when entry conditions are no longer valid: When the entry conditions are not matched anymore, the account/user will jump to the exit section of the playbook, if option is set. Goal conditions still apply: If goal conditions matches before entry conditions are false, goal actions will be executed, not the exit actions anymore!

  • Exit when goal not reached after period of time. When the option is set, the play will wait until a certain amount of time to goal conditions being matched. If this does not happen within given time, it will follow the exit path.


'Goal reached' actions and Exit actions

Based on you goal conditions, the play will either exit automatically without actions, reach a goal and execute goal actions, fail to reach goal or (still) entry conditions and execute exit actions.

When goal conditions are defined, and matched, 'goal reached' actions are being executed and the account/user leaves the playbook, without executing exit actions.


For most actions, journy.io will first force-sync the user/account to the action-related destination, before carrying out the action.

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