Users and Accounts: overview, management & 360 view

Users and Accounts: overview, management & 360 view



Next to connections, accounts and users are the main stakeholders in journy.io. While a user is every person that does something on your website (as identified visitor) or in your app, an account is a group of users. In most destinations, that would represent either an account (as well), a company or an organization.

journy.io collects properties and events on both account and user level.

Properties and events will be pushed with separate references to accounts and users.

Here are some abstract examples:

  • A user logs into an account; the typical event pushed could be login(accountID, userID), as this concerns both the user and the account.

  • A user changes his last name; the typical event pushed could be change_last_name( — , userID), as this concerns for user, not any account he's part of.

  • An account is terminated by the system, (as credit card was rejected); the typical event pushed could be terminate(accountID, — ), as this concerns an account, not any specific user.

This reflects that the view for accounts and users, will indeed respectively handle users and accounts.

Filtered list of users and accounts

Selecting the user menu brings you to a list of users or accounts, depending on the head selector. The screen contains:

  • Segment: Create, select and delete segments (subsets) of users/accounts by any possible element (property, event, screen, channel,...)

  • Stage bar: Shows how many users/accounts are in which Stage. When hovering over a stage, you'll see the amount of good, bad and normal users/accounts are in that stage.

  • Health bar: Shows the amount of good, bad and normal users/accounts, undependable from Stage, together with the corresponding MRR.

  • User/account list with adaptable columns. Press on the settings logo next to the column names to select the properties you want to see.

  • Filters: Next to selected segments, you can also make quick filters through the left-hand filter bar.


Accounts detail view

Pressing on an account on the contact list will bring you to the account detail 360 view.


On the middle panel, you can find:

  • Name: Name of the account.

  • Health: Health (related to current Stage).

  • Stage: Current Stage.

  • Stage timeline: Different Stages and an overview when the account was in a certain Stage.

  • MRR: Monthly Recurring Revenue.

  • Renewal Date

  • Details Menu

    • Overview: A quick overview of all preferred properties and events (over last 30 days progress).

    • Timeline: A full timeline of events, including Stage/Health... changes.

    • Properties: All property values available for this account.

    • Users: Users being part of the account.

    • Events: Events that were triggered for the account.

    • Screens: Application screens that were viewed by (all users of) the account.

    • Channels: Marketing channels the account interacted with.

    • Campaigns: Marketing campaigns the account interacted with.

    • Pages: Webpages viewed by (users of) the account.

On the right panel, you can find:

  • Scores: Scores that were defined for accounts. Each score has a marker that indicated the rules that were validated.

  • Signal Playbooks: Signal names which were triggered by the account.

  • Segments: Account segments the account is part of.

  • Links: Direct links to records in your connected customer apps.

  • External ID: The platform ID of the account.

Users detail view

Pressing on a user on the contact list will bring you to the user detail 360 view.


On the middle panel, you can find:

  • Name: Name of the user.

  • Health: Health (related to current Stage).

  • Stage: Current Stage.

  • Stage timeline: Different Stages and an overview when the user was in a certain Stage.

  • MRR: Monthly Recurring Revenue.

  • Renewal Date

  • Details Menu

    • Overview: A quick overview of all preferred properties and events (over last 30 days progress).

    • Timeline: A full timeline of events, including Stage/Health... changes.

    • Properties: All property values available for this user.

    • Companies: Companies to which the user is part of.

    • Events: Events that were triggered for the user.

    • Screens: Application screens that were viewed by the user.

    • Channels: Marketing channels the user interacted with.

    • Campaigns: Marketing campaigns the user interacted with.

    • Pages: Webpages viewed by the user.

On the right panel, you can find:

  • Scores: Scores that were defined for users. Each score has a marker that indicated the rules that were validated.

  • Signal Playbooks: Signal names which were triggered by the user.

  • Segments: User segments the user is part of.

  • Links: Direct links to records in your connected customer apps.

  • External ID: The platform ID of the user.

Deleting users and accounts

GDPR dictates that a user/account/company should be entitled to review the information someone has on file; as per simple request delete that information, up to the date of request.


Here's what you need to do, step by step:

  • Go to contacts, and select user or account view.

  • Search the user of account you want to review.

  • Scoll down to the bottom of the right panel, and press RED "Delete" button.

  • Enter "confirm" in the confirmation popup, and press "Remove contact" button.

Removing multiple users and accounts at once.

You can also choose to delete multiple users and accounts, from e.g. a well-defined segment.


Here's what you need to do, step by step:

  • Go to the contacts overview page, select user or account view, and select a segment.

  • Select the checkboxes next to the users/accounts you want to delete.

  • Press the RED 'Delete' button.

  • Enter "confirm" in the confirmation popup, and press "Remove contact" button.

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