
Hi Folks,

We hope this message finds you.

We are releasing Permissions Management for our Advanced Kanban & Agile Board for Jira. From now on you will have 3 tiers of permissions, namely:

  • Board Administrators to have full control of the board and the only user/group that have access to board settings and can alter it besides Jira Global Administrators obviously

  • “Work with the board” to add, remove or change configuration of columns/swimlanes w/o ability to change what are the standard or custom fields are defined for columns/swimlanes, create/update column groups, create links/dependencies, setup WIP and Aging limits, create or change quick filters and most important drag and drop issues

  • “Read only access” to view the board only and only apply quick filters or other filters, turn on/off statistics, view dependencies, collapse/expand columns/swimlanes, zoom in and out.

While migrating we will 

  • assign the creator of the board as Board Administrator. Jira Global Administrators are also Board Administrators by definition. So, if you can’t access the board please contact the creator or Jira Global Administrator to give you appropriate permissions.

  • users/groups that can manage projects shortlisted for the board will receive “Work with the board” permission. It’s recommended for Administrator to go over automatically assigned permissions to verify and maybe distinguish between “Work with the board” / “Read only access” permissions

  • no one will receive “Read only access” automatically and needs to be set manually by Administrators

As always, please reach out to our support team for any questions and support you during transition.

Many thanks & Kind regards,

Support Team by Release Management Apps

Hi Folks,

We hope this message finds you.

We are releasing Permissions Management for our Advanced Kanban & Agile Board for Jira. From now on you will have 3 tiers of permissions, namely:

  • Board Administrators to have full control of the board and the only user/group that have access to board settings and can alter it besides Jira Global Administrators obviously

  • “Work with the board” to add, remove or change configuration of columns/swimlanes w/o ability to change what are the standard or custom fields are defined for columns/swimlanes, create/update column groups, create links/dependencies, setup WIP and Aging limits, create or change quick filters and most important drag and drop issues

  • “Read only access” to view the board only and only apply quick filters or other filters, turn on/off statistics, view dependencies, collapse/expand columns/swimlanes, zoom in and out.

While migrating we will 

  • assign the creator of the board as Board Administrator. Jira Global Administrators are also Board Administrators by definition. So, if you can’t access the board please contact the creator or Jira Global Administrator to give you appropriate permissions.

  • users/groups that can manage projects shortlisted for the board will receive “Work with the board” permission. It’s recommended for Administrator to go over automatically assigned permissions to verify and maybe distinguish between “Work with the board” / “Read only access” permissions

  • no one will receive “Read only access” automatically and needs to be set manually by Administrators

As always, please reach out to our support team for any questions and support you during transition.

Many thanks & Kind regards,

Support Team by Release Management Apps


There are two levels of permissions for Advanced Kanban and Agile Boards, namely:

All permissions could be set for Users and/or Groups.

Global permissions

Global permissions are created automatically when installing the App. There is ongoing issue with Atlassian when on some sporadic cases Global permissions are not properly populated. In this cases, no one can access the App and Jira Global Administrators need to configure it manually.

Read more about

If you do not see the App in Apps menu please contact your Jira Global Administrators to configure Global permissions manually to add you or/and group you are part of to the settings.

Board level permissions

At board level permissions are segregated between

For the later 2 configuration is identical, namely you can define it for

  • Projects of the board, so users who has access to board selected projects will have appropriate role for the board

  • Other projects, so users who has access to other selected projects will have appropriate role for the board

  • Users/Groups, so only selected users/groups will be shortlisted to have appropriate role for the board

User needs to be at least in one of those configurations to receive appropriate roles for the board or to be a member of the Group that is part of above configurations

Board Administrators

coming soon

“Work with the board”

coming soon

“Read only access”

coming soon

What if I can’t access the board?

We suggest reaching out to creator of the board (Board Administrator) or Jira Global Administrators to assign you appropriate permission for the board.