The Segment Connector

The Segment Connector



Segment is a well-know customer data platform, owned by Twilio. Thousands of companies have installed Segment to route web and platform data to mainly eco-system marketing tools, and in a lesser degree, also to other customer applications such as CRM and customer success tools.

journy.io seamlessly integrates with Segment as source connection, and captures both data and events on both user and account level. If you have already integrated Segment, we highly recommend connecting to it, as it it the fastest way to see what value journy.io has to offer.

Next to this article, also segment has included journy.io into their documentation:


Important note on using segment, deployed on frontend.

When you primarily use Segment's Analytics.js on the frontend, you might experience missing data because of ad blockers (e.g. uBlock Origin). If the data doesn't reach Segment, journy.io can obviously not receive it neither, and thus won't be able to process your data in a meaningful way. To solve this, you can setup a proxy domain (see https://segment.com/docs/connections/sources/catalog/libraries/website/javascript/custom-proxy/) or move calls to the backend.

How to connect Segment to journy.io

Go to your connections and click the 'Connect' button under the Segment logo:


You will have the option of connecting Segment manually or automatically.


Connecting Segment automatically

Connecting Segment automatically basically requires you to do following steps:

  • Go to Connections menu and press 'Connect' on the Segment panel.

  • Press 'Automatic Setup'. You will now see a Segment screen asking you to select the Segment workspace and an initial source, before granting permission.

  • In journy.io, you will now see a connected Segment panel on top of your connections screen.

Connecting Segment manually

Connecting Segment manually requires you to copy-paste an API key from journy.io into Segment.

You should therefor first log into journy.io:

  • Go to Connections menu and press 'Connect' on the Segment panel.

  • Press 'Manual Setup'. You will now see a new Segment connection on top of the window.

  • Now press 'Settings' on the connected panel, and go to Source

  • Copy the API Key onto your clipboard by clicking on it.


  • Log into your Segment app and go to Connections menu

  • Go to Destinations and press 'Add Destination'.

  • Search for journy.io and follow step by step instructions. You basically need to connect you website and/or platform and/or other Segment sources, as well as give your connection name.

  • You will then come to last step where you'll be asked to fill in the API key that was earlier copied from journy.io onto your clipboard.

  • Once this is done, you save the destination and you have manually connected journy.io to Segment.

Review source settings

Going to your Connection→Segment settings, you can choose source settings tab:

  • (Optionally, depending on manual or automatic setup) See you API key. Pressing on it will copy it to the clipboard.

  • 'Ignore event metadata keys': Fill in the metadata key names that you want to ignore throughout journy.io track(!) events. An event (e.g. 'Submit form') can have metadata (e.g. your-message). Sometimes companies add things such as AccountID or UserID which doesn't have any use, as journy.io already collects those IDs. To avoid misleading metadata with ID data, you can enter those names here and they will not be tracked by journy.io

  • ‘Allow/Ignore selected events': Select specific events (not type of events) that you want to allow/ignore. Good feature to optimize your billing if you want to avoid some events we count as active. This is also a substitution of Segment filtering feature that’s only available in Segment business package.


Review Segment logs

At any time, you can check the sync logs of your Segment↔journy.io connection by selecting the 'log' submenu.


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