The API/SDK Connector

The API/SDK Connector



The way to connect your website and platform is through our SDKs.

We have SDKs for The JavaScript SDK, The Node.js SDK, The PHP SDK, The Ruby SDK, The Python SDK, The .Net / C# SDK.

It only requires 1 single connector (holding 1 single write key) to connect all sources, potentially written in various languages.

And best of all, it is 100% compatible with Segment customer data platform SDKs. Meaning that your development investments can be recuperated, should you choose to make the switch to Segment and use journy.io as a Segment destination.

journy.io SDKs do NOT require any Segment subscription.

How to connect to journy.io

Go to your connections and press the [+] button. The connector you are looking for is called "journy.io SDK":


Pressing on it will reveal following screen:


Simply give it a Name, and you're set!

How to set up the SDK connector to your specific platform

Open the connector and navigate to 'Source'. You should see this:


Here are the details on what you'll find:

  • Write Key: This is a key generated journy.io that makes your implementation unique. You can click on it and copy its value, to then enter it in your code. Since the code goes into secured back-end code, there is no problem to share it...

  • Use proxy domain: Users are often using ad blockers which are blocking data to flow into journy.io. The way to solve it, is to create a CNAME in your DNS and provide us this tracking proxy domain. Ad blockers will assume calls are part of your internal platform, unless users have put limited their ad blocker to static pages. To know more about our SDK proxy, please see Proxy SDK.

  • Website: These are the instructions to add a snippet to your website.

  • Javascript: These are the instructions to perform front-end tracking of your website and platform. For details on how to integrate with your platform, see JavaScript

  • Node.js: These are the instructions to perform back-end tracking of your platform, on code written in Node.js. For details on how to integrate with your platform, see Node.js

  • PHP: These are the instructions to perform back-end tracking of your platform, on code written in PHP. For details on how to integrate with your platform, see PHP

  • Python: These are the instructions to perform back-end tracking of your platform, on code written in Python. For details on how to integrate with your platform, see Python

  • Ruby: These are the instructions to perform back-end tracking of your platform, on code written in Ruby. For details on how to integrate with your platform, see Ruby

  • .Net / C#: These are the instructions to perform back-end tracking of your platform, on code written in C# / .Net. For details on how to integrate with your platform, see .Net, C#

The instructions for JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, .Net, C# include:

  • Installing the SDK

  • Import the SDK and initialize it with your write key

  • Identify the current user

  • Add the user to an account

  • Track an event for a user when active within a specific account (1)

  • Track an event for a user only (not related to an account)

  • Track screen view (Javascript only)

(!) In B2B environment, customers often tend to provide screen views and events on user level only. They are missing a lot of information on account level, and we thus highly recommend tracking events on users within specific accounts!

Integrating our SDK: examples and best practices

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