[LEGACY] The JavaScript Connector

[LEGACY] The JavaScript Connector


Legacy statement

Customers before June 2023 had the option to connect their platform and website through a journy-proprietary Javascript connector. This connector has meanwhile been replaced by a 100% Segment-compatible SDK connector that serves for both connecting front- and back-end.

The legacy Javascript connector will NOT be sunset. While we highly recommend new customers to use the latest SDK connector, customers preferring the legacy Javascript connector over our latest SDK connector can rely on journy.io to continue providing support for an undetermined period of time.

More on latest API/SDK Connector on The API/SDK Connector


The legacy way to connecting your website and platform is through a front-end integration with our JavaScript connector.

It requires placing a code snippet to your body section, potentially with some additional calls to identify users and accounts, and to send events, screens and page views to journy.io. The JavaScript calls itself are described in the following doc: journy.io API documentation.

This article describes the setup of the JavaScript connector named "Website" in journy.io connection.

How to connect "Website" JavaScript to journy.io

Go to your connections and navigate to the legacy tab. Click the 'Connect' button under the Website logo:


The following screen will appear:


Here's what to fill in:

  • Domain: The is the top-level domain of your website or application. Even if e.g. your application is on e.g. tools.app.example.com, your top-level domain would be example.com.

  • Tracking subdomain: This is the subdomain handler that will be used to track traffic. In above example, you could choose go.example.com.

  • Allow any domain: Some of the applications being monitored front-end, serve as landing page for your customers. You customers will then typically route their subdomain to your own domain. In the same example as before, a customer might route sub.customer-example.com to landingpage.example.com. We will only track customer-routed traffic when this option is switched on. If not, we will only track traffic from the top-level domain set above.

  • Validate email addresses: If this option is switched on, we will check for fake and time-limited email addresses and only allow valid email addresses.

  • Identify users with URL Parameters: This option is to allow users to be identified with a certain URL parameter — e.g. www.example.com/?jmail=hi@journy.io

    • Email URL parameter name: is the parameter name to be used to identify users. In above example, we set it to 'jmail'.

    • Remove email URL parameter when user is identified? After the user was identified, you may want to remove the parameter from the URL bar, to prevent copying it.

Review JavaScript settings

Going to your Connection→Website settings, you can choose JavaScript settings tab:

In general, you can find your site details to install on various destinations. For the journy.io WordPress plugin, we ask you for Tracking ID and SiteID. For a lot of other destinations (WebFlow, Native HTML, Shopify...) you can simply copy-paste the snippet.

We also create a 'Verification secret' to be used for identification on the front end, for identity verification.

See journy.io API documentation for more details.