Search APIs

Search APIs



As of June 2023 we changed the recommended approach towards Data Integration into journy from using our journy.io API documentation to The API/SDK Connector that’s 100% compatible with Segment.io.

This provided ultimate flexibility for clients to move from Segment integration to journy.io SDK by changing just URL and WriteKey plus also in the opposite direction in cse there’s a need to use these data elsewhere.

We still keep the light on with journy.io API documentation and support all the integrations/connections done by the clients before June 2023.

Apparently, journy.io API documentation implements some interesting Search Endpoints that could be useful for various integration scenarios.

You need a valid API access token to approach the endpoints below.

Search API Endpoints


Check the below end points to access user and/or account properties.



Check the below end points to access user and/or account events (track, page, etc.).


Check the below end points to access user and/or account segments.

API Access Tokens

How to create API access tokens

Go to Settings → API access :


When pressing the [+] button, following screen will appear:


Here's what to fill in:

  • Name: The is the unique application name of API keys. This is mainly for UI and admin reasons throughout journy.io.

  • This application is allowed to:

    • Read contacts: If set, you can collect all user and account information, including all properties and events, encountered from all connected apps.

    • Read events: If set, you can collect event information defined in journy.io.

    • Read properties: If set, you can collect property information defined in journy.io.

    • Read segments: If set, you can collect segment information defined in journy.io.

    • [legacy]

      • Read campaigns (legacy): If set, you can collect campaign information defined in journy.io.

      • Read channels (legacy): If set, you can collect channel information defined in journy.io.

      • Retrieve tracking snippet for websites (legacy): This is the way to connect both UI-side/front-end (see [LEGACY] The JavaScript Connector) and server-side/back-end integration. Only possible when the option is switched on.

      • Track events, create and update contacts (legacy): If set, you can create and update users and accounts, their relationship as well as trigger events on users, on accounts and on unique combination of both user and account.

Upon pressing 'Create API key', you'll receive your unique API key to be used to approach endpoints outlined above.

Review API access token details

When hovering over the API Keys/Applications, you will see 3 icons: Logs, Edit and Delete. When pressing Edit, you'll see the following:

The 'Enable' switch allows you to turn on and off the API Key (without needing to delete or change API keys).

All other options are the same as when you connect, on top of being able to 'Regenerate' a new API key.

IMPORTANT: For extreme security reasons, there is no way to retrieve your API keys. You have to copy them somewhere safe when generated ... or regenerate them.

Tokens Validation Endpoint

Use the below endpoint to validate your API access token