Examples of Release Automation (also via Jira Automation)

Examples of Release Automation (also via Jira Automation)


Generic use cases

Integration with JIra Automation is also bi-directional. From our experience most the cases are connected with

Aligning statuses of Jira issues and Versions/Packages

  • Move version/package to in-progress when at least one of the issues is in-progress

  • Move version/package to done when all the issues are done

  • Update all issues to be done when version/package is done (could be other status aka closed, released, etc.)

Creating issues/updating fields in Jira

  • Create issue/sub-task when version is moved to a specific column (could be also edit, comment, etc)

    • aka create deployment/CM ticket for DevOps/CAB approval

    • create QA ticket for regression

  • Create a branch when moving version to a specific column


We support various ways (Slack, MS Teams, etc.) of notification on version/package status change (in the future we plan to support on any change). With Jira Automation you can also turn on email notifications (as we avoid storing personal data in our Apps). This is in addition to Assignee and Watchers functionality that sends out emails on every update.

  • Send email when version moved to status

Automation for Epics

In Release Management we allow to track and manage Epics as releases. The below allows to sync Epic with Jira, namely:

  • Move Epics to certain column when issue moves to a certain status

  • Automatically add new Epics to the board

Release Management specific use cases

  • Create a milestone when issue of specific “issueType” is create/attached to version 

  • Assign environment when version is released / Epic moved to a specific column

  • Achieve milestone when the issue is done / Version is released

We suggest to use Automation via Outcoming WebHooks to run Automation in Jira as post action in Release Management or use our Swagger: Rest API & Integrations to execute some actions in Release Management in scope of Jira Automation rule.

The two examples below outlines these two scenarios.

Examples of Release Automation

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