Update issues statuses in Jira with version status update

Update issues statuses in Jira with version status update



Let’s create an automation to move all encompassing issues to Done when version is moved to Done column in Release Management App.

Step 1: Create Jira Automation rule

Go to your Project Settings, select Automation and Create rule.

For the trigger select Integrations and Incoming webhook.

Select “Issues provided by running the following JQL search

Scroll down to “Can I provide additional data in my webhook?“ and click to expand.

Copy the example parameter and insert it into JQL statement above

Click Save.

Click New Action and select Transition Issue.

In Destination status select “Done“

Click Save and Turn on the rule.

Step 2: Create outcoming webhook in Release Management App

Open your board and click on Settings.

Select Webhooks and click Add hook.

Give it a Name and select Done column for versions.

In a seperate tab open your automation rule details, namily incoming hook details. You would need the following information:

Specify webhook details in Release Management:

Method: <POST>

URL: copy from Jira Automation rule (https://demo.releasemanagement.app/rest/cb-automation/latest/hooks/d78f6eccee7305e81f8663ab17f1f865fe197af6)

Header: <Name: Content-type, Value: application/json>

Request Body: <{"data": {"releaseVersion":""}}>

Step 3: Execute the hook to trigger the rule

Go to Release Management board and find any version that’s not Done from the respective Jira project. Assure there are some not completed issues.

Move this version to Done column.

Click on version again.


Once again click on Settings/Webhooks and find your hook.

Check the status is successful and find out details if you want.