Insights (Reports)

Insights (Reports)


Reports for Versions

Version Burnup

Available for Fix Versions only. Coming soon for Epics and Sprints. Not available for JQL Versions.

Version burnup report helps you track version scope changes and development progress over time. It also allows highlighting expected or unexpected scope changes and version progress trend towards expected release date. 

Report configuration

User can choose any version in the board using version selector:

Available units are:

  • Issue Count

  • Story Points

  • Original time estimate

User can adjust report output via custom JQL queries:

Few popular Use Cases:

  • New features and technical improvements burnup: issueType in (Epic, Story, Task) 

  • Exclude sub-tasks: issueType in standardIssueTypes()

  • Burnup for assignee: assignee was <user_name>

Also, user can choose from additional drawing options:

  1. Draw version from the start date. If the option is enabled, the report is drawn from the version start date. Otherwise, from the date when the first item was added into the version. 

The option is not available if version start date is empty.

Report output

1. Total scope of the version is calculated on a daily base in selected units

2. “Done” scope of the version

3. Guideline. Shows ideal burnup rate in order to complete version in time. 

4. Start date. Indicates version start date

5. Release date. Indicates version release date

Export to CSV

Total scope and amount of “Done” items could be exported in CSV format in case you want to build a more sophisticated view with XLS or Google Spreadsheets.

The resulted document structure is:

"Date","Total","Completed" "2019/10/28","87","16"

Version Trends

This report helps to outline “scope change” and “done items“velocity trends of the version. 

Report configuration

Following configuration parameters are available:

  1. Version selector. Choose a version for which the report will be built.

  2. Data aggregation interval. The user can choose an interval for which the data will be aggregated in the report. Available options:

    1. Day

    2. Week

    3. Month  

  3. Unit. Supported units are:

    1. Issue count

    2. Story points

    3. Original time estimate

  4. JQL. The report content could be adjusted via custom JQL function.

  5. Done items switcher. Turn on/off done items trend (meaning: version velocity)

  6. Scope change switcher. Turn on/off scope change trend. 

  7. Draw from start date. If the option is enabled, the report is drawn from the version start date. Otherwise, from the date when the first item was added into the version. 

    The option is not available if version start date is empty.

Report content

The report has the following content:

  1. Period of the data aggregation. The values are calculated by the formula: <# of items in period>= <# of items at the end of the period> - <# of items at the start of the period> +1 day 

  2. Scope change trend line.

  3. Velocity trend line.

  4. Scope change and velocity for the current period are outlined with a dotted line.

Reports for Packages

Package Burnup

Package burnup chart is similar version burnup though provides some additional sophisticated features for Release Managers to use. It consists of two main parts:

  1. Cumulative package progress. The chart shows the cumulative scope and progress for all the versions in the package on a daily base

  2. Individual versions progress. Separate charts for each version in the package. 

Report logic is the same comparing to versions burnup.

Package Trends

Package trends report is similar to version trends report. It consists of two main parts:

  1. Cumulative trends for all version in the package. 

  2. Separate trends for individual version in the package. 

Package Status Report

Package status report helps users to understand the overall status of the package and all its included versions.

The following information about the package and its versions is available:

  • Status

  • Issues progress

  • Start date

  • Release date

User can select any package available in the Release Board using the Package selector:

Other Reports

Scope Change Report

Scope change report helps users to identify the issues that caused affect on the scope of a version or package.

The report has two sections:

  • Added issues - issues which were added to the target version or package during a specified period 

  • Removed issues - issues which were removed from the target version or package during a specified period

Report parameters include:

  • Target version or package

  • Predefined date periods with the option to specify custom start and end dates

  • Filter by issue types

The following issues details are displayed:

  • Issue type, key, summary

  • Status

  • Priority

  • Currently assigned versions from "fixVersions" field

  • Story points

  • Original, remaining and logged work (hours)

The total number of issues in each section is displayed together with the Sum of Story Points and Time Tracking fields.

More Reports?

Suggest your report

We are open to your feedback! If you have an idea or need any other report, please let us know using the simple feedback form:

  • Report name - required field

  • Report description - required field

  • Your email - this is optional if you want to let us know to contact you about your suggestion.

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