UC: Version Board


Use Case

Version Board




Managed Projects



Assign your Jira issues to single or multiple fixVersions or affectsVersions

The paragraphs below outlines the specific use case. For more details about advanced features and complementary functionality we suggest to review section of this documentation.

Detailed overview

How to create?

(1) Go to “My Boards“ section. If you do not have any active boards this going to be your default page.

Otherwise (if you already have one or few boards created) click on menu icon in top left corner to select “Manage Boards“

(2) Click on “Create board“, choose “Version Board“ and Next.

(3) On the initial configuration screen please specify

  • Name of the board

  • Projects to pool Jira issues from

  • JQL to filter out the issues

(4) Click “Create“

How to use?

(1) You will receive a board with all Jira issues pulled from selected projects that matched JQL filter specified (if any) .. in first (Others) column:

(2) Click “+” to add few versions you would like to use

Add few more if you like.

(3) Drag and drop issues between column to assign / change fixVersion. All the changes are applied automatically and you do not need to commit it after. To use “affectsVersion“ please scroll to configuration section of this page.

(4) To Edit column value, Change title, Add or Remove one move mouse to selected column and you will receive a tooltip with all the available options:

e.g. let’s click on Edit

How to configure?

(1) Click settings icon in top right corner ..

.. to open “Board configuration“ screen.

(2) on “General” Tab you can amend

  • Name of the board

  • Projects to pool Jira issues from

  • JQL to filter out the issues

(3) on “Columns and Swimlanes“ tab you can change configuration of fields used respectively for Columns and Swimlanes. Swimlanes are optional. To remove them choose “-- none -- “ in popup.

For Version Board we suggest to try out the following swimlanes:

  • Affects / Fix Version to be able to play with both fields simultaneously

Other related Use-Cases

Check out other Version / Release Planning Boards: