Insights (Reports)

Insights (Reports)


All the reports are available in the Insights section of the plan. Here’s the list what we support at the moment:

Burnup report

Available for Releases (Versions) and not available for Epics, Sprints yet. Impossible to do for Custom JQL Releases.

Burnup report helps you track version scope changes and development progress over time. It also allows highlighting expected or unexpected scope changes and version progress trend towards expected end date. 


To generate report you need to choose one of the items on your Plan as well as specify what numeric property you would like to use to generate summary of the report.

User can adjust report output via custom JQL queries:

Few popular Use Cases:

  • New features and technical improvements burnup: issueType in (Epic, Story, Task) 

  • Exclude sub-tasks: issueType in standardIssueTypes()

  • Burnup for assignee: assignee was <user_name>

Also, user can choose from additional drawing options:

  1. Draw version from the start date. If the option is enabled, the report is drawn from the version (release) start date. Otherwise, from the date when the first item was added into the version. 

The option is not available if version (release) start date is empty.


1. Total scope of the version (release) is calculated on a daily base in selected units

2. “Done” scope of the version

3. Guideline. Shows ideal burnup rate in order to complete version in time. 

4. Start date. Indicates version start date

5. Release date. Indicates version release date

Export to CSV

Total scope and amount of “Done” items could be exported in CSV format in case you want to build a more sophisticated view with XLS or Google Spreadsheets.

The resulted document structure is:

"Date","Total","Completed" "2019/10/28","87","16"

Trends report

This report helps to outline “scope change” and “done items“ velocity trends of the version (release). 


To generate report you need to choose one of the items on your Plan as well as specify what numeric property you would like to use to generate summary and aggregation range of the report.

We support the following aggregation date ranges:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month  

User can adjust report output via custom JQL queries:


The report has the following content:

  • Period of the data aggregation. The values are calculated by the formula: <# of items in period>= <# of items at the end of the period> - <# of items at the start of the period> +1 day 

  • Scope change trend line (can be turned ON|OFF).

  • Velocity trend line (can be turned ON|OFF).

  • Scope change and velocity for the current period are outlined with a dotted line.

Scope change report

Scope change report helps users to identify the issues that caused affect on the scope of your plan item.

The report has two sections:

  • Added issues - issues which were added to the target plan item during a specified period 

  • Removed issues - issues which were removed from the target plan item during a specified period

Report parameters include:

  • Target plan item

  • Predefined date periods with the option to specify custom start and end dates

  • Filter by issue types

The following issues details are displayed:

  • Issue type, key, summary

  • Status

  • Priority

  • Currently assigned versions from "fixVersions" field

  • Estimation (configurable)

  • Original, remaining and logged work (hours)

The total number of issues in each section is displayed together with the Sum of Estimation (configurable) and Time Tracking fields.

More reports?

Suggest your report

We are open to your feedback! If you have an idea or need any other report, please let us via our service desc portal.