Calendar view



Alternative to Roadmap view Calendar is outlining all the plan items, namely Releases (Versions), Epics, Sprints and JQL Releases by End Date.

If End Date is not defined for item you won’t see it on Calendar view.

At this stage Calendar view is presentation only and you can’t drag and drop items to amend End Date.

If you define Intermediate Milestones for your plan items they will be also shown on Calendar if appropriate filter is turned on.

Navigation and layout

By default we show 2 months view - current month and next one.

You can always navigate forward and backward using appropriate menu items.

By clicking on “This month” you will be redirected to defaults (with current, next months)

Depending on your local configuration you can select the Calendar to start week from Sun or Mon.

Edit and browse items on the Calendar

You can do much more to items in addition to scheduling. Click on the item to open up all the possibilities available.

Summary tab

On Summary tab you can receive an overview about your roadmap item plus get access to all the action items, namely:

  • You can amend item name and the change will be automatically populated in Jira for Releases (Versions), Epics and Sprints.

  • Change Color of your roadmap item if Custom Color Codding is configured in plan settings

  • Change Description. Rich text format is supported either.

  • Get summary of issues statistics (aka scope). Also available as Gadget.

  • Review or leave Comments. Also available in rich text format.

  • Add/remove Tags that could be used for alternative taxonomy and organize your swimlanes on Roadmap plus filters on Roadmap and Calendar

  • Change start/end dates.

  • Navigate to the item via “View on Roadmap

  • Archive item to hide from the plan is Filter for non-archived items turned on. Also available as shortcut from right-click menu.

  • Delete item. Also available as shortcut from right-click menu.

If you click “Delete“ on Release (Version), Epic or Sprint and confirm the operation respective entity will be deleted in Jira providing you have permission to execute such operation.

  • Merge items.

So far we support only merging releases (versions) into other releases (versions) leading to the issues being re-assigned and source release (versions) being deleted.

  • Execute Reports (Insights) upon roadmap item.

Issues tab

Issues tab give you inside out view on the scope of your plan item

To start with you can Search your issues by Name and/or filter by Status Category (TO DO, IN PROGRESS, DONE), Issue Types

If you are not happy with default columns in issue view you can change it

We support most of standard and custom fields and render types.

You can also change scope of you roadmap item to either add existing issue:

or create new one:

Milestones tab

Read more about Intermediate Milestones in standalone section of this documentation.

Add new items to Calendar

Calendar can outline Releases (Versions), Epic, Sprints and JQL Releases.

Releases (Versions)

Jira Releases (Versions) are pulled automatically from all the projects you listed in the plan settings. Any new release created in any of the projects in Jira will result in the bar showing on the calendar (unless it’s w/o end date).

If you want to create new Release (Version) in Jira and Calendar click on Create>”Create version”

Specify the following details:

  • Jira project where you want to create release(version)

  • Name of the version (release)

  • Description. Rich text format is supported either.

  • Start/End dates.

  • click “Create another“ add more


Also you can add existing Epic(s) to the Calendar. Click Create>”Add epics”

Choose single or multiple epics from look up, specify start/end date if applicable and click Create.


If you want to show your existing sprint you can add them as well. Click Create>”Add Sprints”

Select your Jira board and sprint name you want to add. Start/End dates will be pulled automatically.

JQL Releases

If any of the above suits you well and you just want to add item based on Custom JQL click on Create>”Create JQL version”

You would need to specify

  • valid JQL to define dynamic scope of your roadmap item

  • Name for the roadmap item to differentiate

  • Description. Rich text format is supported either.

  • Start/End dates.

  • click “Create another“ add more

Export to ICS

There are number of options to export your Calendar beyond the App.

For the audiences / stakeholders that are using Jira on regular basis you can add Calendar as Gadget to one of existing Dashboards or create new. Read more about Gadgets.

For the audiences / stakeholders that do not fancy using Jira you can export Calendar in .ics and import it as standalone Calendar to your existing personal / corporate Calendar tools (e.g. Outlook or Google Calendar)

To do so click “Export to .ics” icon on the menu ribbon

Search and advanced filtering

You can fine tune your calendar view using search functionality and set of filters.

In particular you can filter by:

  • Tags

  • Archived/Unarchived

  • Project Category

  • Show Milestones

To clear the filters click on “Reset to default“

To show more filter or hide some of them you are not using click “More“ and check/un-check items