Blackout periods (or Non-working days)

Blackout periods (or Non-working days)



You can configure backout periods (or non-working days) for your plans. Once configured appropriate ranges will be highlighted on Calendar and Roadmap views with color coding you defined in configurations. This will be also applicable for Gadgets built from these plans.


In “Non-working Days“ section of Plan Configuration you can setup backout periods.

To create one put the name you would like to use in the hints, start/end date and one of suggested colors from the pallet. The periods could not be overlapping.

We support inline editing so to amend click on any property of existing period in the grid to change.

To delete period click on delete button on the right. You would need to confirm before blackout period will be permanently deleted.

Roadmap and Calendar views (including Gadgets)

Once configured in plan settings backout periods will be shown on Calendar and Roadmap view using the shades of the colors picked up. Once you put the mouse on the day caption a tooltip with backout hint will be show.

Same functionality is available in Roadmap and Calendar gadgets.

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