Release Roadmap Gadget

Release Roadmap Gadget




Release Roadmap


Outlines releases on roadmap view by Start and Release Date specified.


Releases on Timeline

Hosting Types


Advanced Features?

Some features are available in ADVANCED EDITIONonly. Learn more.

What’s Advanced Edition?


How to find?

Open your favorite Dashboard or create a new one. Click on “Add gadget“. Search for “Release Roadmap“ to find it

What it’s about?

Release Roadmap gadget shows all the versions / releases selected from multiple projects on a timeline view.

The versions / releases will be placed on the roadmap view according to start / release date. Navigate you mouse to your point of interest to outline a tool tip with additional information. If version / release has no start date it will be shown as milestone at release date.

How it looks?

With swimlanes

Without swimlanes

What are the configuration options?

The gadget has the following configuration options:

  1. Name - caption to outline

  2. Projects - multi-select of projects that become a source of your versions / releases

  3. Versions - a multi-select of versions / releases from the selected projects

  4. Archived - whether to show just active versions / releases or achieved as well

  5. Report interval - define the timescale of the gadget

  6. Start Date - where to start timeline view

  7. Group by project - outline project swimlanes or not

  8. Auto refresh - automatically refresh the gadget

Advanced Features


There are couple of advanced features we deliver in scope of Roadmap Gadget, namely:

  • Epics Picker/Synchronization

  • Sprints Picker

Thus, you can outline also your key Epics to be delivered complementary to your Releases Schedule. Plus you can also depict the Team Sprints where most of the efforts will be performed .. all-in-all creating your ultimate Delivery Roadmap.

Epics Picker/Synchronization

If you use advanced edition your Roadmap Gadget configuration screen will let you

  • Select Standard/Custom Date fields to outline your Epics (Custom date fields from third party Apps are also supported)

  • Select a list of Epics to outline on the roadmap

As a result your selected Epics will be shown on the roadmap according to Start/End date configured in the project swimlanes where it belong to

Sprints Picker

If you use advanced edition your Roadmap Gadget configuration screen will let you

  • Select multiple team sprints to depict

As a result your selected Sprints will be shown on the roadmap according to Start/Complete dates as separate swimlanes (per Board)