Custom properties for versions and packages

From App version 4.9.+ we support Custom Properties for your versions and packages.

Global and Local Properties

Properties could be defined Globally and therefore used across all Release Boards or Locally and therefore applicable to specific Release Board.

The names are unique, therefore

  • you can’t create Global if the Local one exists on any of the boards (the App will show you the list)

  • you can’t create Local if Global with the same name exists.

How to define Global Properties?

Navigate to Administration > Manage Apps.


Scroll left menu to RELEASE MANGEMENT and click Global properties.



Now you can create/edit/delete Global Properties for versions and packages the same way you do it for board.

If you try to create the property with the name that already exists on one of the boards you will receive an error with the list of boards where such property is defined.

Board level Properties

How to define Local Properties?

Go to Board Settings and select Properties section of configuration.

Type the name of you first custom property, select whether you want to apply it to Version or Package and pick up the Data Type you want to use. At this stage the following types are available:

  • String

  • Number

  • Date

  • Datetime

  • Singleselect

  • Multiselect

  • Paragraph

To complete your action click “Add“.

To remove it click on “x“ on the right. A confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm you want to remove the field from all the versions/packages.

Required properties

You can define some of the global or local properties to be required. To do so click appropriate toggles in properties table.

One you define some props as required they will be shown on version/package creation screen with required validation turned on.

Such implementation will be applied to APIs as well. You would need to specify such props when create versions/package via API. Otherwise an error code will be returned.

How to view and edit?

Once you configured your customer properties for versions and package you can now see/edit them on version/package summary page.

In addition to the above Paragraph properties are shown under Descriptions (aka Alternative Descriptions)

Filtering by Properties

Once you have Custom Properties configured for your Versions and Packages you can filter by those properties on Board, Roadmap and Calendar view.

Click on “More“ and scroll to the bottom to see available options

You can also filter Packages on Packages tab by package specific properties.

Multiple use-cases.

In next versions of the App we will get it through the rest of App functionality, namely:

  • Web Hooks

  • Release Notes

  • Validation rules on Transitions

  • etc.

Reach out to our support for your desired use case.