UC: Classic "Easy" Estimation Board


Use Case

“Ideal Hours” Estimation Board




Managed Projects

Company Managed Projects


Even easier to use board for Original or Remaining Time estimations of your Jira issues

The paragraphs below outlines the specific use case. For more details about advanced features and complementary functionality we suggest to review https://releasemanagement.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ASPT/pages/875692462 section of this documentation.

Detailed overview

This is a copy of https://releasemanagement.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ASPT/pages/866222203 with our interpretation of how “Easy” estimation sessions should be.

Thus, instead of deterministic values for the estimation grades ..

.. we are suggesting slightly less deterministic.

In reality,

  • 5 mins work” maps to 30m

  • I guess an hour“ maps to 1h

  • Just a couple hours“ maps to 2h

  • Tomorrow will be done“ maps to 1d

  • A couple of days“ maps to 2d

  • Next week will be done“ maps to 5d

Enjoy it!